Orang cakap : Being in a relationship bukan 'sekadar label' ataupun 'setakat nak heboh 1 dunia yang kita sudah berpunya'.. its all about understanding, forgiving, receiving, giving n bla bla bla yada yada yada..
but i said (quote from uncle Google actually) : I want to be in a relationship where we can joke around, be each others best friend & take cute pictures.. as simple as that.. can ahhh?? hehehe.. ;p ;)
but what I've learn from the past : never ever ever change who U are for a guy/girl.. because if he/she truly loved u, u wouldn't have to change.. he/she would love U for who U are, not who he/she want U to be.. buat apa kita nak ubah diri kita n stay lagi kalau kita sendiri tak selesa.. kan kan kan.. not good.. not good.. ^_^

So, for now, saya lebih selesa macam nih.. bukannya nak budjet ala2 'forever alone' o 'lonely wolf' o what.. cuma family n member2 yang ada sudah memadai.. just nice.. thanx everyone!! ^_^ 'Special one'?? = bonuslah kalau ada.. tapi takut ada yang makan hati sebab ceq laa nih memang buzy tahap dewa..(erkk.. buzy ke??) hewhewhew.. ;p ;)
Definisi cinta Oscar Wilde?
ReplyDeletepenat carik xdaa yg sesuaaiiiii... hahahhaa.. ;p ;)