Aku Hanya Lala..

~Lala yang dulunya gila~


Monday, February 27, 2012

Move on

Just because i laugh a lot, doesn't mean my life is easy..

Just because i have a smile on my face everyday, doesn't mean that something is not bothering me..

Moving on doesn't mean forgetting..

It means U chose happiness over hurt..

I just choose to move on, and not dwell on all the negatives in my life..

Every new moment gives me the change to renew anew..

There comes a time in life, when u have to let go of all the pointless drama & the people who create it..

And surround yourself with people who make u laugh so hard..

so that, U'll be forget the bad n focus solely on the good..

After all, life is too short to be anything but happy.. ^_^

I choose to be that!!


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