just nak letak gambar2 jaa.. usya2 laahh klo rajin.. ;)
Izwan Rani
Afiq Noraega

Team B
Gadis : hari ni sy jalani pembedahan jantung .
Jejaka : sy taw :') I love you .
my fav n?? = 3.. ;)
everything dat u wanna noe~ i'll answer it as long as i can~ ;)
cantik :: saya.. hansome :: dia.. hahahaa.. ;p ;)
everything dat u wanna noe~ i'll answer it as long as i can~ ;)
twitter~ menarekkah??
Answer here
klo xdaa no plat x bule ke?? heheheeeee
everything dat u wanna noe~ i'll answer it as long as i can~ ;)
ntah~~ mcm byk jerh~ haaahaaa~ ;p
everything dat u wanna noe~ i'll answer it as long as i can~ ;)
x buat~~ nnty cek pojiah marah~~ hahahaa~~ ;p ;)
everything dat u wanna noe~ i'll answer it as long as i can~ ;)
Boys and girls : lets us play together ( The study of gender and games among the children)
I have read that gender theory says; boys and girls learn proper behavior and attitudes of family and culture as a whole they grow, and gender differences in terms of the mental aspect is the product of socialization. I also have read that ‘role theory’ suggests that social structure is the underlying force for gender differences. From what I understand, children commonly attempted to join the play of another by focusing on an object involved in the play. Laursen & Hartup in their study on ‘THE ROLE OF AGE AND GENDER IN CONFLICT’(1989) state that on the surface such conflicts appear to be over the possession of an object and much of the research on children’s conflicts focuses on object conflicts as a significant form of conflict for children of this age. However, deeper analysis identifies these conflicts as peer entry conflicts: the ability of children to join and play with other children, with initiating children using the object as a way into the play. Unfortunately for them, their approach is perceived as too disruptive by the receiving child/children and conflict arises. We can see that a traditional game for girls is a game structured co-operation, so the success of a particular player does not always mean failure of any game player. There is no leader and there is no hierarchical. In a game such as ‘pretending as a happy family; father, mother and sons’, they are always continue to change the dominant role. Margaret Sims in “Gender segregation in child care: what it is and what can we do about it?” says that girls do not enjoy a game where there are real winners and real losers. Girls are usually played in pairs or in small groups. The main point of this game is "to do something together. Girls define themselves in proximity to other people ("ask others about how"), whereas Boys tend to play in larger, hierarchically oriented collection. There is generally a dominant leader. They may be perceived weakness among boys. In the game such as ‘guli’, boys learn how to deal with harsh criticism. In the group structure, the children learn how to be the center of attention. In doing this, they are not pushed to the bottom. It is necessary to understand what children’s conflicts are all about in order to be able to handle them appropriately. To do this, we first have to look at the skill of peer entry. But after all, social skills can only be learned through interaction and interaction which is can only occur when children are successful in joining with other children. In this study half of all the conflicts observed were conflicts over peer entry, where one child attempts to join another child, or a group of children, in play. The research carried out by Promnitz (1992) on peer entry indicates that in order to join another child at play, the initiating child is more likely to be successful if he/she is able to enter into the frame of reference of the receiving child / children. If the children unable to enter the frame, it’s difficult to combine both gender in one game.